Nintendo aiming at...?



New Member
More money there. Though that doesn't make it right to ditch their loyal customers over the years... At least a couple of good games are coming soon...


New Member
rabeel said:
Why is nintendo aiming at casual gamers rather that hard-core gamers?

Because there are more "casual" gamers than the hard-core ones.
I mean, you don't exactly see my Grandma buying a DS to pwn everyone on Metroid online...
No, you see her buying a DS to get a trained brain.

...And beat me at Tetris -_-
Because there are more "casual" gamers than the hard-core ones.
I mean, you don't exactly see my Grandma buying a DS to pwn everyone on Metroid online...
No, you see her buying a DS to get a trained brain.

...And beat me at Tetris -_-


That's why i bought a 360 and a Wii
this way i can still play awsome mario games but still play hardcore schooters :D


New Member
There definitely are more casual gamers than hardcore. But that doesn't please the people totally into it. In the future though, i think that Nintendo will put some better games out. It has only been around 1 year and a couple months since it came out. But with SSBB and MK coming out i think people will be satisfied.


New Member
I've just gotta say that Nintendo really needs to re-evaluate what it's doing. Most of it's games are just terrible right now. It would be better to release fewer games and have a higher standard than to release a whole bunch of games and have an extremely low standard. And not all of games need to be "hardcore" or anything. Even casual games can be good, but they need to stop assuming that the casual gamer doesn't care about the quality of what they play.