MORE AoS maps! -- by WILL

When I first got into mapping, I made a Tower Defense... it sucked. then I made an AoS called Dragon Duel. its bugged...

But I finall finished an AoS and I'm working on another.


Most AoS' have redundant themes: Scourge vs. Alliance, Horde vs. Alliance or just random factions...

Golemz has 14 hero golems: 12 regular, 2 secret. The setting is quiet different from other AoS': the lanes are small and and there is only one lane plus another not so used passage. if the smallness annoys you, simply buy a rune of teleportation.

-14 completly custom heroes with some custom models
-random events
-A "spirit system" that allows you to do somthing after you die (buy the spirit's abilities at the vault of spells).
-A final hero battle after 30 minutes
-custom models like the team colored golem, the frost golem, the death and arcane golems, some missiles, a rocket... etc.

The file has been uploaded. Enjoy.


I'm also working on another AoS... but it has no definite theme. You choose your race at the beginning and fight with the race's heroes units and towers. Its currently more or less 5% done, all I need to do is make the heroes and core triggers.