Metroid Month!


New Member
WoOt! This month in NA anyway, metroid games are invading. First we get a MP3 preview channel, then on Augest 13, we get metroid NES, and on Augest 20 we get Super Metroid! WoOt!


New Member
You lucky Americans... ¬_¬
It's even more insulting that this is supposed to be a UK forum.


New Member
Danny said:
No.. you didn't..
We get Games first because we're second largest Nintendo ;) or so i heard..

yea but we got that, just like we got MSC before you lot! Rule Europe!

actually we stink realy, what a shitty contonent... :(


New Member
the original nes metroid is already out in europe, i don't think super metroid is though

can't wait til october to get metroid prime 3 though :D


New Member
Dont worry, Ill just call the president of US and say if he doesnt force Nintendo to give UK best stuff first I will destroy the whole of America! MWU HA HA HA


New Member
Rybo5000 said:
Dont worry, Ill just call the president of US and say if he doesnt force Nintendo to give UK best stuff first I will destroy the whole of America! MWU HA HA HA

and after that u call nintendo of europe and force them to give oss in europe better games :p


New Member
metroid0070 said:
WoOt! This month in NA anyway, metroid games are invading. First we get a MP3 preview channel, then on Augest 13, we get metroid NES, and on Augest 20 we get Super Metroid! WoOt!

Ohh My. (packs bags) i am coming ur way, metroid channel, is it only metroid or what, that would be cool if there was a channel just for metroid