Is S1 Suppressor worth it?


New Member
I have the M4A1 with an ACOG Scope and no sniper, so I use it from long range. Is it worth it to pay for the S1 Suppressor to muffle the gun sounds and 10% less recoil, but 10% less damage?


Active Member
Not really, It changes your firing pattern and also makes it take longer to kill someone. I tried it, M4A1+Scope is all you need.


New Member
I'd have to contradict you there MooCow. The spread difference in long range is significant so if you aren't planning to use it in CQC often, I think you should attack a silencer.

Otherwise, MooCow is right. Don't attach a silencer to a CQC weapon, just makes it harder to kill them.


Active Member
Well It depends, some people like myself use their guns as both CQC and Long range guns.. So it makes for a better rounded gun if you don't attach the silencer.


New Member
I use the M4A1 with the ACOG3 and S2 Suppressor and I wouldn't use it any other way. I often get accused of using a no recoil hack because I can stay on target even at long ranges very well!


Active Member
I use the M4A1 with the ACOG3 and S2 Suppressor and I wouldn't use it any other way. I often get accused of using a no recoil hack because I can stay on target even at long ranges very well!

Ha.. You need an M416-CQB with the Itech, there is almost no recoil when you're shooting. I was the same way with the M4, now I get even more crazy headshots..


New Member
You shoot another bullet to kill them big whoop? I say errr depends on you if your on of those people that
spray and kill them then probably no. But if your those people that camp and take timing and aim then ya use it.


New Member
I got kicked multiple times from moderated rooms under claims that I'm recoil hacking...


8 yearolds are getting their parents to buy them moderatorships.


Active Member
I got kicked multiple times from moderated rooms under claims that I'm recoil hacking...


8 yearolds are getting their parents to buy them moderatorships.

It's funny how No Recoil is server sided.. The only ones that have it are VIP's who have Super NoSpread and the coder even said it will never be in public because it took so long to code. Stupid kids.. They barely even know what hacking is.


New Member
I use the M4A1 with the ACOG3 and S2 Suppressor and I wouldn't use it any other way. I often get accused of using a no recoil hack because I can stay on target even at long ranges very well!

i know how you feel bro....
People be Calling M4A1 Masters "Noob HACKER NO RECOILER". i hate that too... i feel ya.
