how meny wii points have you used?


New Member
0 so far is 2 expensive and need to save money for my trip to Grand Canaria. ^^ But will get 2000 point in the future to spend on paper mario and some more games.


New Member
Why are so many people saving up Coins for Points? Is it that hard to spend £7 on 1000 Points? ¬_¬

Anyway, someone asked how many games I downloaded.

Super Mario Bros (NES)
Super Mario Bros 2 (NES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
Super Mario 64 (N64)
Lylat Wars (Starfox 64 in US - N64)
Sonic The Hedgehog (SEGA MEGA DRIVE)
Paper Mario (N64)

There. :)


New Member
i've used 2000 points at this moment, 1000 points on Paper Mario (L), 500 on Kirby's Adventure and 500 on Super Mario Bros (i can't miss this :$)

and for the future... i want Super Metroid =)


New Member
I have currently used 4000 points. I would like to use a lot more but i dont think it is really worth it. Maybe if they were a little cheaper.............