
New Member
I think that halo is the best xbox game. XD
I got halo 2 and have played halo 1 many times. Cant waint for halo3. What do you guys think about halo? XD


New Member
overated, by a 10 mile stretch it was okay when it first came out as it felt new and there wasnt anything like it back then but now meh, theres Gears of war and other good games that leave Halo in the dust


New Member
Halo = most overrated pile of crap ever.
The reason why it was the best game on Xbox, Halo 1 and 2, was cos the Xbox didn't have that many good games to begin with.

Killzone 2 = Halo 3 killer.


New Member
Halo only has a decent multiplayer

main game sucks

Metroid Prime = Halo in general

the only reason why Halo sold more that Metroid is because there were more Xboxs sold than gamecubes, haha Prime 3 may not be as good as Halo 3 as of the lack of Multiplayer but Metroid is gonna thrash Halo in terms of sales, and sorry to say it but i see it outselling Killzone however with that said Killzones a great game as i liked its main game and multiplayers good too, but the SONY part kills it for me as i aint getting a PS3


New Member
I've only played the first Halo and I must say that it's really overrated. Can't see why people praise it so much it's a bad game and really boring imo.


New Member
Halo 1 & 2 are only good for the multiplayer mode's, brings some fun when you play 4 player, never tried online, hopefully Metroid will be better :)


New Member
Squiddy said:
Halo = most overrated pile of crap ever.

What about Metal Gear Solid ;)
lol, joking
I don't see anything special about Halo, the Halo 3 beta waa fun, but nothing amazing, the graphics aren't too good either.
And Xbox 360 is my favourite console.