GTA Wii?


New Member
do you think there is any hope of a gta game for the wii, that would be awesome. eg. using the wii as a katana sword, on its side for driving a car, shooting it like a gun.:dance2:

Edit: oops wrong place to put this post. this is my first one sorry :S


New Member
Don't worry a mod will move this!

I think whilst it would be fun to play the game on wii, i dont think anyone would go for it as the PS3 version looks amazing.

We'll see i guess haha!


New Member
There has been GTA on Gameboy / Gameboy Advance, but never a home console.
I also heard that any R* game not in development now will be a ps3 exclusive, so i guess all we'll see on wii is table tennis and bully, oh and maybe manhunt 2 (if it's ever released, lol) ;)


New Member
EngWii said:
There has been GTA on Gameboy / Gameboy Advance, but never a home console.
I also heard that any R* game not in development now will be a ps3 exclusive, so i guess all we'll see on wii is table tennis and bully, oh and maybe manhunt 2 (if it's ever released, lol) ;)

aww too bad. GTA would've been cool with the wii's motion sensing controls.

p.s. ill still have for it will come to


New Member
hockeyhero said:
EngWii said:
There has been GTA on Gameboy / Gameboy Advance, but never a home console.
I also heard that any R* game not in development now will be a ps3 exclusive, so i guess all we'll see on wii is table tennis and bully, oh and maybe manhunt 2 (if it's ever released, lol) ;)

aww too bad. GTA would've been cool with the wii's motion sensing controls.

p.s. ill still have for it will come to

I've just found out that the site i got my info from was WRONG.
What they meant to say was R* was developing ONE ps3 exclusive game, so they'll still be making other games for other consoles ;)
But still, i very much doubt we'll get GTA Wii, oh well, i'll just get it on 360.