Good stategies


New Member
I need new strategies in CA; I mainly no scope with my basic gun, and SOMETIMES camp, or "borrow":D L96A1s from people(dead people)

P.S. Is sniping w/out a scope using ur basic close range gun called no scoping:confused:? if not i need 2 change my info:p

P.P.S. I just got to the rank to make a clan, what should i call it, and does any1 wanna join?:cool:


New Member
I'd suggest in buying a M4A1 or FAMAS as they're both highly accurate and don't need scopes.

The P90 is simply disappointing so stay away from that.
I'd suggest camping when the other team is rushing, and rush when the other team is camping, also maintain control of certain populated areas.
Only stick around a hiding spot for a kill or two and get moving, chances are the person you killed will seek revenge.

There's more information about strategies in other threads, I suggest you look there, I provided a few as well.
Also, don't double post, read the thread located within the News & Announcements section entitled "Doubleposting!"


New Member
lol, short sweet and to the point love. But i love sniping and using the snow map is really good. specially becuz my guy blends into the snow. and i got the best spots


New Member
lol, short sweet and to the point love. But i love sniping and using the snow map is really good. specially becuz my guy blends into the snow. and i got the best spots

The best spot would be jumping onto the fence, then jumping onto the boulder, than jumping to the tree.


New Member
Any gun you use, you will never need a scope. Just practice tapping instead holding down the trigger button. Av used the phamas, which is prolly the most accurate, and the ump. I never needed a scope with either one but still could kill a good distance away without any problems.


New Member
Any gun you use, you will never need a scope. Just practice tapping instead holding down the trigger button. Av used the phamas, which is prolly the most accurate, and the ump. I never needed a scope with either one but still could kill a good distance away without any problems.

FAMAS and the M4 as well as the M16 are rather accurate.


New Member
Why does no one like the G36E? =/ It's like the best gun in the game. By the way, I have a new way of staying alive.
Don't just jump or crouch, do it at the same time. :cool: