GCube Action Replay prob.


New Member
Hey, i tried to use my GCube AR in my Wii, and it says an error has occured, read the Wii manual, so its not the disk. help? :mega_shok:


New Member
That happend to me too, but when I tested it out on my Gamecube, it worked. So I'm guessing that AR doesn't work on the Wii.


New Member
VGS said:
That happend to me too, but when I tested it out on my Gamecube, it worked. So I'm guessing that AR doesn't work on the Wii.

Maybe its my disk it didnt work in my gcube either


New Member
my action replay used to give me trouble on my cube... had to try it like 12 times to get it to work... so in the end i gave up with trying to cheat, and played properly


New Member
kaitora said:
my action replay used to give me trouble on my cube... had to try it like 12 times to get it to work... so in the end i gave up with trying to cheat, and played properly

I dont cheat, i beat the game im AR'ing 4 times (its twilight princess), i just love LoZ moon jumps :D


New Member
I've got two AR cheat discs - the regular one and a special Wind Waker one. I tried both and neither worked, got the same advice to read the Wii manual as you.

Looks like AR discs can't be used with the Wii then. :(

EDIT / Just found the following info on Codejunkies site:

If you have one of the later versions of Action Replay or FreeLoader for GameCube, you can use it on your Nintendo Wii when playing GameCube games. It won’t work with Wii titles – it’s a GameCube product after all – but those who trade in their Cubes and invest in a Wii can carry on playing their imported GameCube games with FreeLoader and enhancing the experience with Action Replay.

Does anyone have a fairly recent AR disc to verify this?


New Member
Owning an AR disc doesn't necessarily make anyone a cheater. It can increase the replayability factor for games and be very useful to help you out of a tricky spot that you just can't get past. Sometimes it can unlock things that you wouldn't ordinarily be able to do as well.

At the end of the day, it's up to the individual player how they play their game. If they find having a little help eases frustration and makes a game more enjoyable, then that's their prerogative. :)

Now, online cheaters I don't like so much. That's giving yourself an unfair advantage over other players. Behave like me instead - hide in a corner and snipe everyone! :girl_blum:
Another reason I kept my Gamecube. Film purposes. I make bloopers occasionally and AR makes it so much better. My Twilight Princess ones are worst because I have no AR for it :p


New Member
hahaha i love moonjumps. you can see the whole map and the mysterious grey areas beyond :p
erm, didnt the last wii system update stop action replays working?


The AR is said to not currently work for the Wii, there are ARs in the process of being made, or may have come out already, but they come in the form of SD cards...or so I've heard. I do know that there isn't an official AR for the Wii yet.