FIFA Street


New Member
Is there gonna be a FIFA Street Wii game? I know that many of you guys are educated in what games are comin out, so maybe, u'd know


New Member
badboykane said:
remind me why this topic is in the Wii hardware section and not the games section.

lol, can a mod move it? and on topic i dont really like fifa streat or football in general, but there will prob be a sequal cause the other fifa streat games sold well


New Member
Jailbreak said:
badboykane said:
remind me why this topic is in the Wii hardware section and not the games section.

lol, can a mod move it? and on topic i dont really like fifa streat or football in general, but there will prob be a sequal cause the other fifa streat games sold well

Thats exactly what i was wonderin


New Member
i don't think so, aleast they have no plans yet to have any street games first they going to have normal sports games then move to street


New Member
Gdog said:
i didnt choose this section, it automatically put it here, is there a way to choose?

Yeah, you navigate to the correct section in the first place, example you would have wanted games so you go here:

than click new thread and it will post in the games section.


New Member
If FIFA Street ever comes out ever again I will find the head of EA and shoot him - not kill him, but shoot him to cause him pain! >:/

Seriously, the first two were the atrocities of the last-gen.


New Member

No, they were complete rubbish - and selfishly, BETTER games were bogged down by it because of it's undesrvedly high chart sales.

It's because of the mainstream's poor tastes in crappy EA titles and movie-tie-ins that 9 to 10/10 games like Okami, ICO, Shadow Of The Colossus, MGS3, Battalian Wars got destroyed in terms of sales in the UK.