Do you think that playing Wii you will be wealthy???



New Member

I don't understand - if anything, you LOSE money for paying for the electricity and internet bills whilst using your Wii. :/

I don't see how the Wii will help you get wealthier unless you're planning to be a games journalist - which I am. :cool:


New Member
Yeno said:
Maybe he means healthy.

I guess it could make you healthy if you don't excersie but love Wii.

OH! LOL, I didn't understand, thanks for clearing it up.

I wouldn't think it makes that much difference unless you spend hours on it, but hopefully, Wii Fitness (Wii Fit to you US gamers) will change my viewpoint. :)


New Member
About being healthy (which we're assuming you mean), I think there's another thread about losing weight while playing the Wii.. either way, I don't think it'll make that much of a difference.


New Member
oh yes, sorry for my spelling in english I was meaning healthy XD
I think that boxing is the only one good excersice, is like having some shadow boxing.


New Member
It sure makes you burn some calories but what kind of activity dont do that. Typing at my keyboard makes me do the same..
romsmans said:
is like having some shadow boxing
Far from it, believe me, i know :D

romsmans said:
oh yes, sorry for my spelling in english I was meaning healthy XD
First i thought you meant wealthy as in the ones playing Wii will get a "wealthytag" cause it is so exspensive... :)


New Member
Yeah of course it would make you more healthy. And yeah I'd have to say Boxing would probadly be the most active of the games I've played so far.