Caption contest


New Member
Okay I get it! But I wrote a background story:

Apart from his peek-holes into the ladies room, torturing the very souls of any minority, his relentless urge to drink out of the toilet and constantly challenging diddy kong to a Dance Dance Revolution battle, Captain Croc works at the White House, advising the current President on matters of national importance, such as the color of his underwear. Also known as the winner of the wet-Tshirt contest to the people amongs the young, he is well loved by many of his colleagues, and often drinks with them on AND off duty, to the extent that he forgets that the closet is not a toilet. Since this has made Diddy and Dixie very many, many times being exploited due to the fact that they have no pants, they wont take it anymore! This is how this dramatic scene came to exist:

Diddy:"Ki-ki-ka, moaa!" meaning something like "Bye"
Captain Croc replying: "Grra..." meaning "what? I'm deaf, I have no ears!"


New Member
Sorry it's a day late, but here are the results...
Our Third place winner is Timpz, with his "No ears" caption!
Our Second place winner is Toadish, with his "Where are they going" caption!
And finally, our First place winner, Is... Daxter D! With his "Not a rope" caption!

The special bonuses go to Timpz, for making the longest caption I've ever seen in my entire life, and metroid0070, for being the first to post a caption!
Congatulations everyone! ;)

Anyway, here's picture number 2:


New Member
thanks for the bonus :p... Next:

Addiction to Fuzzys; (omfg stfu n00b 1337) Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy. this is where it all starts off. The level starts off innocently enough.For Yoshi's Island, anyways. However, you soon come to a peaceful field.....inhabited by floating white fuzzy things you can only guess the name of.Thinking to say hello to these creatures (or at least eat one), you "touch fuzzy."Apparantly, you get dizzy. Note Yoshi's eyes. After a bit of experimenting, you find that Yoshi cannot walk straight. In fact, it's questionable as to if he can stand straight. Eating a fuzzy......well, let's just say it doesn't help any.Shooting eggs proves difficult while under the...influence...of the innocent fuzzies.Please notice the fact that Yoshi does not blink while "dizzy." All in all, I can see why Yoshi enjoys staying on Yoshi's Island. It's a very happy place. As pikachu states: plzplzplzplzplzplz take me to yoshi island please!!! I'll do anything!


New Member
I got one!
Pikachu: where are you taking me?
Yoshi: somewhere special
P: Where?!
Y: To have fun in my Yoshi Island Theme Park, where we could have a sleepover, little boy!
P: Get away from me!!!
* Pikachu then Zaps Yoshi to death and NEVER goes to Yoshi's Island theme Park. *


New Member
Ah, looks like no-one's posted anymore captions... Never mind, 1 more day to go!
(Sorry about double-posting)


New Member
Okey think I got this then how about this

Pikachu: You can't run from me. I love you!
Yoshi: But Im not gay.
Pikachu: But I can can help you to be gay. But it will hurt in the beginning.
Yoshi: Some body save me!!!


New Member
Yoshi: Lets play tag, you're it
Pikachu: But you know I'm slow
*Yoshi then runs to Mario they can play ponies. It has been three years and Pikachu has not yet caught Yoshi*