BLOG: Skateboarding and Photography


New Member
Hey guys, sorry i yet again haven't been on for a bit, as the run down to university begins i am getting prepared for it, alot of research, equipment to buy and photos to take for the summer project!

I also recently took up (again) skateboarding, i did it from the age of like 13 - 16 then lost interest for a while, and now aged 20 i have bought myself another skateboard, and wow i could remember some tricks haha!

Heres a picture of me practicing in the garden area just to test out what tricks i remember and what not:


And here is a video of me doing from what i rememer is a CASPER - 540 HANDFLIP..if anyone knows please tell me what it is! (Rodney Mullen-esque for skaters who know who he is, if not youtube him, hes awesome!)

Hope everyone is doing ok!
