Black market UMP



New Member
Hey, could you please explain it in more details? Anyway, welcome to the forums, I can see you're at your first post. =)


New Member
I hate the ump for this reason:
The hitbox glitch makes it so that w/ ever I use almost all my hits miss which pisses me off and it's a gun w/ recoil that I can't handle (I HATE recoil.)


New Member
on a side note if you have have problems with recoil don't spray and pray shoot is small burst till you learn to better control the weapon.


New Member
I think what he meant by black market UMP is the MP5 RAS. This gun is considered a better version of MP% because it has less recoil and more damage. It is just like the M4, almost no reocil at all. And what he meant by hitbox problem maybe he shot someone from the back (they haven't fixed the back hitbox yet) and he didn't hurt him at all. With much more recoil gun, it will actuallly spray and may hit the hitbox.


New Member
sorry about that when I get pissed I cant control my fingers lol
I meant that I have worse experiences with the hitbox on this gun than any others