Teabag Nation


New Member
Yeah, were recruiting. Our leader has a 2.80 KDR, most of our members have above 2.00, if you have 1.50 KDR or above, you can apply. If you have a microphone it helps out when we clan war, we currently only have 10 members, due to inactivity. So we have room for people who apply.


New Member
Ign: Death2All
Rank/EXP: CPL 3054/3700(82.54%)
Kills: 1674 (1.92 K.D Ratio)
Deaths: 871
Favorite Gun: L96A1 , L96A1 Artic Wolf
Favorite Playing Style: Sniper

Im 17 and my nationality is Taiwanese =]
GMT -8 pacific time zone =\

I await for good news =]