Some of Your Best Scores!



how did you get so much gp?

Well, I only bought "one" yes one gun per week, and I stuck to it, no try out new ones. I'll have to wait till it expires. No body items, or supply cases. Just one gun per week. Now I have almost an infinite supply of GP, Greatfullded have an infinte supply of GP (2,393,000GP, or something like that.)


New Member
Well, I only bought "one" yes one gun per week, and I stuck to it, no try out new ones. I'll have to wait till it expires. No body items, or supply cases. Just one gun per week. Now I have almost an infinite supply of GP, Greatfullded have an infinte supply of GP (2,393,000GP, or something like that.)

If you want to save more GP, however to use more stuff, just simply play more until you get the amount of GP you spent and the rest is savings.


New Member
My best games are:

40k, 30d

87k, 12d

101k, 43d

One game with a SCAR-L, another with a G36E and the last with an L96A1, G36E and Double Barrel shotgun.


New Member
These are the ones I have pics for, ive probably done better, but I dont have a pic for it:
54-20 (In Rattlesnake, used my L9 about the whole time. I got a pic too if you want.)
45-18 (Dont know where and when, I just have a pic from after the match)
100-24 (lol, epic. it was 1v1 with my friend in Junk Flea I believe. cant believe they died 100 times XD)
35-7 (sometime today I believe)

I just now started taking pics for these. Want a pic for any of those scores?


New Member
I said good game and just left, funny thing is, they really didn't kill me through bullets, I accidently hit a mine. :p Then I died because I fell off the ledge on a building.