S1 suppresor or the S3?


New Member
well S1 gives -50% gunshot noise and -10% recoil right?, and the S3 gives -50% gunshot noise and -50% muzzle flash?
Which one is better? i tend to buy the S1 because of -recoil but i dont see why people buy the S3 anddont want muzzle flash <.< i mean if you play in junk flea or death room, would you want -10% recoil or -50% muzzle flash >.<
suggestions please

Jordan B

Active Member
The S1 suppressor is only good for sniper rifles. Don't use it on any AR unless it's an AK47.

It doesn't get rid of recoil, just changes the pattern.

Try the S3 + G36E , and see how you like it :)


thanks man, but i have a ump for 30 days, which suppresor is best for that?

If you have the rank to get the S3, then go for that. Remember, when it says recoil or damage -10%, don't believe it. It's actually only 1 or 2HP and the S3 removes the tracer/muzzle flash making it harder for enemies to see where your firing from.


New Member
thanks again, il get the s3, as i said, less muzzle flash aint really useful for junk flea and other map that are small is it ? :p really quite pointless


Not nessisarily. The S3 provides tracer reduction and I think partially reduced muzzle flash. It'll help for Junk Flea if you don't rush.


New Member
thanks for the info, what exactly do you mean by dont rush? i would know what you mean by not rushing on like snow valley by snipering, but junk flea?


Well, you have your typical rushers in Junk Flea who move to the enemy base region. Followed by the people who stay generally in the middle of the map, who I consider to be neutral players. And finally there are the people who stay furtherest from the enemy, and most likely near their own base.


Evidence: S3 pwns


New Member
If you rush alot and want to use a silencer I'd go with S1. Straight and to the point. They are all equally as good in reality though.