PS3 Sucks Up Five Times as Much Energy as a Fridge, Ten Times as Much as a Wii



New Member
This just scares me, the Wii uses up power even when it's off? That's messed up. Well, when I get a PS3 I guess I'll have to unplug it everytime I stop using it, or else I'll have to pay a stupid stupid stupid price. Although it probably uses up power when unplugged too, just to **** you off. Gah!


New Member
But then, when it's unplugged... you'll lose the accurate clock the PS3 has... lol

For the Wii... the bare minimum is when you hold the power button until it's "Red" so that there's no WiiConnect24...

The only power it uses while in the "Red" standby stage is the power for the red light (lol) and for the clock...

For the PS3... who knows what it uses up even while off....


New Member
They'll probably remove the turn off button just to yet again **** you off. And the clock turns off when you unplug it? No wonder the clock on the Nintendo Wii went into funky time!

Didn't know you could hold it until it went Red though. Other than a minor power saving though, I doubt it does anything other than what it does when it's Orange.


New Member
This is probably something you would expect off sony.wait 3 or 4 years and sony will create a slimmer version of the ps3 which uses less energy.