


New Member
I like this map. As a T you have to be pretty watchful for the snipers in the trees. Lots of corners for camping CT's. Everything sort of blends together. Keeps you on your toes. Generally I think this is a very good map.


New Member
I know I'm a loser..

I really do dig what's going on with the map - cool sounds, climbable trees, tripwires, lots of options.. But it is so effing dark! It turns into a big campfest where CT's can just sit in the darkest shadows and wait to kill anything that moves in front of them. And I know you can camp dark spots in most any map (corners of b tunnel in dust2 comes to mind), but 80% of this map is a dark corner for me.

Maybe I just need to turn up my brightness - or get nightvision.

Still - campfest! It's like playing an entire team of Foxes and Auroras.
