Pay-to-Play: Yay or Nay

New program has been announced today from GDC:

"During a Game Developers Conference session called "Planning the Wii Menu" today, Nintendo's Takashi Aoyama announced a new Pay to Play program. This will be a new version of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (NWFC). Aoyama explained that NWFC will remain a free service, but forthcoming experiences will require users to pay a fee to enjoy. These services will fall under the new NWFC: Pay to Play program. Games that utilize the new service will feature a logo similar to the one used for NWFC but is orange and reads Pay to Play at the bottom.

Unfortunately, Aoyama did not go into details about what games or services we will be paying to play. He did say Nintendo is taking steps to ensure consumers don't mistakenly buy a Pay to Play game with the expectation that they will be able to access the entire game for no extra charge."


I think they're going to discourage potential consumers, especially since I won't have money to pay for Wi-Fi. Even if it was via Wii Points..

But on the other side of the token, some have been waiting for this as this opens up the door to DLC.

I'd love to hear what you all think. ;)


awful idea, and they'll, instead of getting more $$$MONEY$$$, they'll get less $$$MONEY$$$. then they'll make it free again.


New Member
Alot more people would buy games to play free rather than paying and loosing potential buyers, i think overall they would loose money....


New Member
if the quality of service and features was to be drastically enhanced then it might be worth paying for. otherwise its just a scam for them to make money.


New Member
I think what Nintendo meant by Pay-to-Play was to pay for extra downloadable content and not the actual online service. Like add-ons like Guitar Hero songs, different maps, ect.

At least thats what I hope they meant since Nintendo's online is nowhere near worthy to be payed for, especially if PSN is free.


New Member
I pretty much agree with everyone here..... The way it is right now... Online isnt worth anything. But if it is built up and gets much better (which it hopfully will) then it might be worth it.
But i think that right now, it is a bad move for Nintendo, but might turn out for the best.


New Member
Terrible idea. It would alienate casual customers, **** off the hardcore ones, and make the PS3 the only console with truly internet services. The only bonus would be (presumably anyways) better online services. As it is, the Wii utilizes minimal online ranking and has virtually no way to make clans or any such organization. By paying, there is a better chance that these components would pop up eventually.


New Member
Free online play is one of the major things they have over the playstation 3 and Xbox.
Terrible idea, wifi routers cost enough as it is :(