Naiden little gallery


New Member
Well I only review the first few pictures else my comment would have been 50 pages long.

Screen 'Cave'
decent, but needs a bit more texture use, also if its a cave heighten those walls or use steep deforms, you can also apply some fog this make the screen a bit more cavish(if that is a word) like.

Screen 'elven camp'
This one is way better than the cave screen, altough I sugest decreasing the rays of light, atm it hurts the eyes, and looks a bit exagrated.
I like the trees you used, the deforms are well done, and the texture use is neat.

Screen 'house WIP'
Good as well, I like the stairs, good use of doodad improvising there, they hay and the boxes might be a bit overdone but I guess it not that bad, you shoudl change the tileset though, its horrible and doesn't fit, I suggest improvising, and using tables as floor, just decrease the Z factor and increase the X and Y of the doodad.

well thats all for now, I might drop a few other comments about your screens in a few, for now I am gonna get back to work.

keep up the terraining.