More than 5 Hero abilities?


New Member
I'm making a map where you choose a hero from an array of colors, each representing an element. Each hero I planned to have 4 hero abilities to learn, plus an aura and a summon spell. But I can't add more after 5 abilities have been put on! Is there a way to make more allowable to add? It's not in constants...


New Member
There's a way, but it I don't think it is able to have skill points added on to it.
What you do is you make a starting ability for EVERY hero that basically is the ability to show more abilities. How exactly you do this I don't remember, I saw it on an RPG my friend made. He gave every hero one ability that made the ability screen pop up, and there was a few basic abilities like Heal and Teleport.


New Member
Oh yeah, I did something like that, but it was actually just a little experiment, and I didn't really use it cuz it caused wc3 to crash a bunch. I made these spells for a Sorcerer model I made a really long time ago, and he had four abilities (Fire, Earth, Frost, Arcane), in which were different spells. For example, the Fire ability had about five different types of fire abilities, like flame strike. I guess you might be able to do that with a hero. But like I said, it caused the game to crash a lot. I think there is a limit to how many spells you can put inside those abilities, but I'm not sure...


New Member
That would be a Spell Book. And to be honest - I've never experienced crashed with them, but I wouldn't be able to tell you how to make them with levels. (Unless you choose the order in which the hero will learn the spells.)


New Member
now i dont know how exactly to do it but in a game i played a while ago called spell craft aos you could buy items and they would mix and make you a spell based off the items you bought (i think it was a recipie) but if you could make a new cost unit and make it increase by 1 per level and not have any skills attached to the hero with a trigger that allows you to bring a invisable to everyone else shop to urself and then buy the ability from it. to get increased levels you would have to buy it over agian(do this by making it +1 from previous integer instead of set ability to level one) i dont know how to talk in jass or watever but u should get what i mean.

yeah... that probably didnt make any sense to anyone who was reading it


New Member
I don't think spell books would solve this problem. Oh well. I guess I'll just make the aura automatically on them, then you can research everything else.


New Member
They could have a bunch of normal abilities, and then in addition, have the hero abilities... but i'm sure you've already figured that out... and there's only enough room for 7 abilities at a time...

...wait a minute.... did I already say that?


New Member
Doh! Yeah, I only noticed after I posted.

My advice, put in five hero abilities, and then two spellbook abilities, and then maybe use the same spellbook idea with items and such. That would actually make a pretty powerful wizard.


New Member
if u dont have any abilities it wont show the hero ability learn button right? also i just came up with another plan what if you just made your 5 skills and make them all based off channeling make whatever it is that you want the ability but make certain conditions that would change the spell/skill for instance if you have a spell called fire you could have
unit - casts fire
unit targets self/ally
if unit targets self then cast spell immolation else if cast fireball