Ever notice no Punx members responded to this yet? Rhyme to the reason. Lets let them decide what goes on here.
In both cases everyone is right.
Cal cleared him, or so you say but do we know that? Nope.
Sure hes damn good, but im pretty sure that when someone goes 28-0 in a MATCH SITUATION, something is going on there. I find it hard to believe my boys couldnt pop this kid once let alone 5 times, some funny biz is highly likely to be afoot.
Another Fact: Hes a cocky ass bastard, and i respect him for not stomping in here and running his mouth like he does, but Im sure whats being said on the other side isnt very pretty. I like how worm turned on alltalk to talk to machi and Elton was screaming at us profanities like something insane right before out match. Every word in the book came out of that boy's mouth, Ranger, whats your kids story? Total Disrespect on all counts. If that isnt enough, the demo, and omni's omnipotent rule on certain players being too good for the server should be something of significance.