Jeep Racing Documentary


New Member
KingRick, I personally have never used either for screen recording, though I am sure that either will be fine for our purposes.

Fabimaster, I am glad to hear that you are going to be filming for us with such a spank-tacular system!


New Member
seriusly but i need to test how fast it works while recording...
i hope i get my pm from murpo soon coz i pmed him -.-
and the RAM will be there before the race
cause when EA says Soonâ„¢ they mean months :|


New Member
In-game Player Name: CrackABone
Hero you will be using: CrackABone ( Royal )
Desired position: Side line Camara man
Do you have filming software: Fraps Full Version
Committed (feel free to scream): OMG, ITZ A MURPO!


New Member
if we are recording, our hero and hud and all that will stay on with the film, so how are we supposed to film? like normally or from the recording a small part of the screen will be used? or is there a fps mod?


New Member
As I posted in a topic, it is possible to remove the HUD and that stuff...

Some people already confirmed it works.


there is the topic


New Member
I am personally not going to concern myself with the removal of the HUD.

I think that, while it can be nice for cinematic, or story-telling movies, it doesn't
particularly matter whether there is an interface in the way.

And yes Jazz, you may take part.


New Member
Oranges, is there some space left?
I'm willing to drive or be an passenger, a filmer or even a random fool on the road >.<
Player: Play[4]Me Hero: Shoot[4]Me or Aim[4]Me or Knife[4]Me
I really don't care what I need to do, I just like being in a film ^_-


New Member
In-game Player Name: Robwar
Hero you will be using: Robwar or Sneakya
Desired position: Driver
Do you have filming software: Xfire filming and fraps
Committed (feel free to scream): YEP!!!