In need of REAL clan


New Member
Hello! I'm looking for a REAL clan. What I mean by REAL is good. My K/D/R is 1.25. I would like a clan that can joke around and take jokes. Im a great sniper. I don't screw around at clan battles. I take those seriously.
Preferred Weapons:


If you are one of those clans, please PM me. Oh, and I would prefer a clan with a different color name and a LEGIT LOGO

In game name: Elune



New Member
Well, you gotta check us The Art of Warfare out. We have been around in gaming community since 2001, with over 600+ members and 15 games now. We have about 60+ active members in our Combat Arms Division, both from Americas, Europe, and Australia/New Zeland. We have internal tournament once a week, and another practice for that tournament weekly. If you wanna play against another clan, we have competition team that you can join.

We have friendly environment and we are all just like one big family. We use TeamSpeak as our communication tool, and you have to get working mic and be at least 14 years of age to join.

We take some things seriously, such as NO HACKING, or NO GLITCHING, or any kind of cheat. If you think you want a "REAL" clan, this is the place you might want to check out.

For more info and our Code of Ethics, go to our website at

To apply, go to our website at and join there, and choose Combat Arms as your game.

Well, I hope you'll ind the "REAL" clan.


New Member
Just don't rush into a clan. Take your time and find the right one for you. I invite you to check out my clan, AngerManagement Clan. We are a newer clan but we are not new to the clan war arena. We are a level 2 clan with 82% wins. We are well organized and our website is one of the best clan sites around. We clan war daily about 6 - 10 games and clan war twice as much on the weekends. If your looking for a strong, legit clan that you can make an impact in then this one is for you. Why join a clan with 30 + members? We control our membership to insure every member gets to clan war. I could talk about our clan all day but you'll learn more about us by just visiting our website.

Clan Leader