Favorite Tileset?


New Member
I like sunken ruins, I usally use it now, I like it cause you can practically use it for anything. I also like it cause you can make ruined ancient citys with it. My second favourite would have to be felwood or Lordaeron Summer. My third favourite is Icecrown Glacier.
Why dose everybody like Sunken Ruins though?


New Member
I used to be good with the outside and terrains for a village. Sunken Ruins had everything for it. Though I usually do switch the thick grass with the Lordaeron Summer grass.


New Member
Methinks I like several. Outland I like for the empty space and the uniqueness.. I like Lordaeron Fall because it looks killer and I like all the orange and red in it. I like the Barrens for the desert feel. So uh... I guess I like red and orange...


New Member
Surprised that no one said Ashenvale yet. You can make satyr or night elf ruins in it (Seem like everyone like ruins; mysterious and strange i guess) , Swamp, Mountains, Awesome waterfall (In fact that's the only one i can make great waterfall with it haha ^^). Whatever tilest you take, i think the author of it need to put his little touch of uniqueness to make it his own tilest. But yea, obviously Ashenvale ;)

P.S. : Sry about typos and grammar mistakes, Frenchie here ^^