Dell XPS notebook



New Member
Can you either give us the specs your going with or your budget?

Also, what games you play and what else you like to do on your computer?


New Member
i thoguht i read that pent M's have a unlocked multiplier, do some research see if its true, and if so then yoru fine, that is alot of mney to get those better cpu's


New Member
disregard, wrong proc...

btw haveing a laptop for gaming isnt a good plan a better idea is buy a cheap laptop. i jsut biult a pretty decent system at dell for 600


pentium M 735
512 MB ram
60bg hdd
cd/dvd burner

its not graet but itll work for school and the like.

then you take the ramaining 1400 that you saved and buy a awesome gaming system for your home

1400 will do really well btw


New Member
I dunno I would not mind lugging all my shit around with me all the time. Being able to go from work to lan to home with the same box. My reccomendation would be to upgrade the ram to 2gb. Get insurance.