[Cheap] 15x for $5 [Christmas Sale] !!


New Member
Hello dear GamesOnly users.

I will provide you all with extremely cheap STEAM Accounts.

These are random Account's. But guaranteed with purchased games on the accounts. There is CS, CSS, Left for Dead, Left for Dead 2, COD:MW, MW2 and much more games.

You will receive 15x STEAM Accounts for $5 !!

Better deal is hard to find!
1) All accounts are VAC CLEAN unless noted.
2) Only Paypal Payments accepted.
4) You have to post before adding me.
5) Scammers, don’t waste my time!
6) I’ll never go first!
7) You have to agree to these rules before adding me.
8) I don't trade account for account.
9)When buying, do only send as "GIFT" with a note saying:
"I am buying a virtual items and I will not dispute this transaction."

Contact me: Send PM for Skype/PM me your Skype and I will add.

PS. I accept XBL Codes/MSP Codes for Account's. We can work something out, just send me a PM.

I may be new here, but I am a legit member/seller/buyer from SY.. and HF.. Forums. Exproud at Sy... and CheGuevara at HF.


New Member
Le Harmless. I accept Middle-Man service. Which means, if you pay for his fee's (If he has any). I will go with it.

Lets say you want, 30 Steam Accounts. > I give them to the Middle-man.
You pay the $ to the Middle-man.

The Middle-man will give you the Steam Accounts, and me the money.

Or, I can go first if someone is REALLY trusted here.

I am not fooling anyone, you can check me up on other forums.