changing animation



New Member
ok u know when undead build a building it starts a rune with bone's then the build appears after its done.
insted i want it to show that circle.


New Member
You have to override "SharedModels\UBirth.mdx" model. To do this, import your circle using Import Manager and set it's path to "SharedModels\UBirth.mdx". Should work.


New Member
it only showed the undead terrian i think it needs the skins but i dont know what to rename them now that the other one is renamed...


New Member
No, no. Model you are using must have "Birth" animation which is displayed when building is being built. So, that "circle" model must have Birth animation. I guess.


New Member
Circle of Power?

Well, you must export it from MPQ archive (war3.mpq - path is: Buildings\Other\CircleOfPower\CircleOfPower.mdx). Download War3 Model Editor ( and open with it just exported file. Open Windows->Sequence Manager. Double-click on Stand item. Change Name to "Birth" and check "Non-looping". Click OK. Save model as MDX. Import to your map and set path to "SharedModels\UBirth.mdx".

Tell me if it works.


New Member
no i did not want a circle of power i just wanted to add and use the circle i have in the link on my first post and also that program dose not work for me....


New Member
About that circle, the procedure is same. As for program not working... It needs DirectX 9.

EDIT: If you want I can prepare the circle for you, just tell.


New Member
Here you go, model is attached to the post. I still don't know if that would work, but be of good fate :cool:

EDIT: F***, can't get attachments to work, tell me your mail, I'll send it to you.