Bullet Time Warrior's



Here i did this really quick and its pretty small and awful. Im like 13 so i tried my best with those words that i cant spell and i hope i have correct grammar. Please post your comments!!!

Bullet Time Warrior’s

The world has not changed much since 2006, even if the year is 2106.” Said Estiad. Estiad is my Bullet Time trainer. He has very black hair and is the strongest man in our town. My parents are rich and wanted me to become stronger then Estiad so I have been sent to train with him until he can no longer teach me anymore.

Te world has become a desolate place leaving marks of what the invasion of our world left over. We have nothing but small villages left throughout the world. They are slowly being demolished to make way for the robots which are enslaving our people so that better AI can be produced. The world as we once knew it has been lost.

People can live for a very long time these days. Our bodies have hardened and our organs can live longer. I am 40 years old but I still look as young as a 12 year old does.

Bullet Time Warriors are the warriors that have been sent to combat the machines. They have superhuman strength compared to 2006’s warriors and can move faster then bullets. There mind can also focus to even the tiniest particles and some of them have the ability to focus so great they can dodge bullets.

Well back to the story know, Estiad and I had just finished our 12 hour training lesson. He says I’m becoming a great warrior… Estiad is 79 years old but still looks as though he is 20. I have been training since I reached the age of 5 and hopefully I will be the one to defeat the machines.

(this means that the world is seen from another person’s perspective.)
Adeliur is a great student, He knows more then I did after 35 years and he has surpassed all of my other fighters even the ones who I have trained since I first became a trainer. His power is amazing and he is already able to dodge a pistol clip inside our simulators. I believe that he will be the downfall of the robots.

Estiad ushered me home and told me to get a good rest because tomorrow we would be training with real live weaponry. I lie in my bed wondering “What if I get hit, What if I get shot and I die, What if…” But another part of my brain kept saying “What if I do it, What if…”. I quickly dozed off and woke up around 12 times having nightmares of him shooting me to death purposely.

I awoke to a very cloudy day and I walked outside where a large gathering of people all wearing black were standing around a coffin. I walked up to the coffin and I realised that the person who had died was Estiad. I went away and thought to myself what happened to him? Why did he die? There have been people alive since the revolution… it wasn’t old age, was it? My parents entered and explained to me that Estiad had been shot many times in his sleep.
All I could think is what sick twisted mind destroyed our hope against the machines.

We gathered at his funeral and after it had been completed I was asked to go into the room where they were announcing what Estiad had left on his will for people. There was around 30 or so people and they were all given something. We were told to wait in a room until our name was called out.

10 minutes had passed and I was called into the room. The lawyer said “Adeliur, Estiad has left you the entire training program and also left you a note.”. I sat in amazement and shock wondering what did Estiad want me to do with this?

When I arrived home I opened up the note and it read as follow “Adeliur, You are my greatest student and were quickly surpassing my level. I have left you the training program in hope you will teach the town how to fight. I hope you do what I could not and stop the robots before our town is invaded like so many other are. In my house there is a large collection of weapons. You will need them for training. Also I have many disks of data which are like instant learn items. To learn these you must first go to our towns robot expert, Eon, and have a information cable hook up connected to your cerebrum so that you can copy the information into your brain.

Many years have passed since Estiad has died but through them I have become much stronger then most people dreamed. I am now part of the Bullet Time Warrior’s Corp. and I am the commander of an exceptionally large team of Bullet Time Warrior’s. We have been given order’s to distract the entire robot army while the assassin forces try to take out the motherboard of their capital city.

In doing so the town will fall and their usefulness will come to an end. When it is destroyed the main computer will no longer send out messages to the armies and they will not be able to do anything as they haven’t been told to do anything.

We are less then an 10 minutes away from our destination and we are waiting to see an army of robotically designed warrior’s to start firing at us… 5 minutes has passed and our squad is become anxious, where are the robots? We arrive at the gates to the city and not one robot is there to greet us with our impending death.

Our commander radio’s in and says “The assassination team is down… the robots knew about them although there are no warriors at the front of there town they are all several miles south of it. You have about 10 minutes to destroy that motherboard I don’t care how or what you use to do it just do it!”

I knew then that it was our time… our time to stop the robots. Our group hussled out of the vehicles we were stationing and moved in. Just before we entered the gates a young soldier asked me “We aren’t going to die today sir, are we?” And all I could reply with was “… I don’t know…”. We sent a five man scout team in to see if there was any warriors.

They entered the gate and one of them said “Holy ****”. After a few seconds all 5 of them slit into small pieces of what was once there larger body. Then over the small mound which they were standing on Estiad rose above it and said “You better be trained well Adeluir I have waited my entire life for this fight.” I dropped my weapons and then Estiad dropped his also. I said to my crew get in there and destroy that motherboard in 10 minutes. If I die then move back to camp immediately no one try to fight Estiad.”

They replied with “Yes Sir.”. The team moved in and then I heared the robots mounted defence go off. I saw many of my comrades ripped open by the defences before I turned back to Estiad and said “You sick son of a ***** I’m going to kill you where you stand!”

We looked each other in the eye, well he had no eye merely camera’s for eyes. He bowed to me and said “Just like old times huh? Your anger is still weakening you.” I replied with “My anger doesn’t weaken me it only slows me down.”. He replied “Well if you don’t clear your mind of anger then you will surely lose as I have speed implants on my body.” I replied “Why are you telling me all this? You don’t seriously want me to win!?”. He replied with nothing.

We both ran towards each other. I as always underestimated him and he got the first punch in throwing me back and causing a small dint in the earth’s surface to be caused. I got up shook off the dust that had been left on my shirt and started running at him focusing on how to hit him. He threw another punch and this time it hit a lot harder throwing me back and destroying one of our vehicles. I slowly rose and ran towards him this time grabbing his shoulders and using his body to launch myself over him. He turned at waited for me to land then hit me with what felt like a killing blow. I flew back and broke a hole in the robot city’s wall. I slowly got back to my feet and said “That’s it I’m going to have to kill you now.”. Both he and I knew my body couldn’t sustain this much longer. I jumped over him again but instead of landing in front of him I landed on the destroyed car and picked up a set of double pistols. I fired both the clips at him and only managed to hit him once. He dodged the other’s. I ran up to him while he was shocked at the ability I was able to hit him and I kicked him through then entire 12 inch thick titanium robot city walls. He got up and jumped through the hole. He had a large part of his head’s artificial skin ripped off and then said “I wont underestimate you next time you attack me.” I knew then that he was toying with me when he had hit me the last 3 times. We continued our battle. He ran at me for the first time in our battle and he punched me so fast and hard that I created a large hole in the ground. I got up and thought of what he had said before the fight began… “Your anger is still weakening you.” I then let all my anger go in a dark impulse of power. I could feel that I had just gotten stronger and faster. I jumped up out of the hole and landed flat foot on the ground next to it. I let him run towards me like nothing had happened and then I punched him, He flew back and created what sounded like a landslide when he hit the ground. He jumped up and said “Lucky humans…” I decided to run at him thinking that I was now stronger but I was indeed wrong. He used my trick and grabbed onto my shoulders and jumped over me. I turned around be he wasn’t there … I looked up only to see his two feet crushing me into the ground.

He then picked up one of my old pistols and reloaded it. I was bleeding… I looked like a blood carpet. He held the gun to my face and said “Any last words” all I could reply with was “Nothing apart from the fact that you might want to turn and look at your oh so precious city in around two seconds.” He said “Wh……” His mechanical body had been destroyed and the robot computer was doomed. I got up and thought “Surely this cannot be the end.” His body lay there in silence. I kept waiting for him to get back up and kill me. I waited until my soldiers returned. There was only a small portion of what was sent in. They set me up on a stretcher and took me home. But I knew it was to late for me. I asked one of my soldiers to write my will on the way home.

I left Estiad’s old training program to our best warrior. I left all my incomes to my family and then told my soldier to write “Don’t turn me into a son of a ***** robot… I don’t want to have to kill my finest soldier like Estiad had to.

The End

Well there it is please give me your comments and i hope you like it! :yay: