Alpha Channels


New Member
Could anyone give me some tips about Alpha Channels, so that I can obtain Player Colors for certain parts of a skin! I tried doing it but when put on the model, I got the whole model red. I have Adobe Photoshop 7 (yes, I have the TGA plugin) and already tried some sort of tutorial, but it sucked. Thanks!



New Member
1.Well the part is..extract a already wc3 blp skin, convert it to tga in wc3viewer

2.Then open that in adobe and you should see soem channels.

3. you can edit those channels by clicking on the alpha channel and select black or white as either remove or add.

4.if you are makinga new skin from scratch, select all the areas from the channels RGB to black.

5. edit and crap.

6. do what u want with the alpha layer when u have done the skin picture.

7.Then save ask i think..32 bit tga

8. convert back to blp with wc3viewer

skin must be sizes or multiples of 256-512 etc
If it is red or the alpha areas r white then its the mdl data which you should to um... Transparent or blend or alternatrtr or what ever its called.