Wii starts to lose sales in Japan

Nintendo have totaly dominated the Japanse consolesales since the release of Wii. According to the recently reports it seems like nintendo starts to losing their advantage.

The Wii-sales in august ended with 245.653 units while the PS3 sold 81.541 units.
That means that Wii only sales 3/1 with the PS3. In July this condition were 4/1 and the month before 6/1

The Gap between Wii and the PS3 has reduced clearely. If this trend will continue is an other question but according to the reports it seems like we will see a much bigger console war between Sony and Nintendo in Japan.


New Member
As with any new console, there will be an initial 'must have' and then once this has past, sales always drop off. I feel that wii will continue to be a strong performer simply for the wiimotes and gameplay that this offers. Couple this with the proposed intorduction of a wii that can take dvds and more games becoming available and this will allow wiis to maintain a strong market presence for some time to come.


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
Nintendo have totaly dominated the Japanse consolesales since the release of Wii. According to the recently reports it seems like nintendo starts to losing their advantage.

The Wii-sales in august ended with 245.653 units while the PS3 sold 81.541 units.
That means that Wii only sales 3/1 with the PS3. In July this condition were 4/1 and the month before 6/1

The Gap between Wii and the PS3 has reduced clearely. If this trend will continue is an other question but according to the reports it seems like we will see a much bigger console war between Sony and Nintendo in Japan.

i geuss wii had an off month or something.........4/1 is still pretty good
Giga-Bowser said:
have you got a source for this and that is still good, 4-1 for wii vs ps3 is good.
3/1... :p yeah its still good but the difference is reducing, but it maybe is like hockeypro said , wii only had one bad month.

www.gamecore.se is the source , its a very reliable homeside (In Swedish thou)


New Member
There will always be highs and lows in the sales of any product. Time of year, title or hardware availability/release, promotions etc will have an impact. Attitudes and behaviour of target audience are important too, and we all know that the Wii appeals to a different type of gamer.

It's impossible to tell if this is the start of a permanent decline until we can see longer-term trends for at least a fiscal quarter, ideally more. Details of Christmas sales will probably be the most revealing statistics in the near future.


New Member
Becky said:
There will always be highs and lows in the sales of any product. Time of year, title or hardware availability/release, promotions etc will have an impact. Attitudes and behaviour of target audience are important too, and we all know that the Wii appeals to a different type of gamer.

It's impossible to tell if this is the start of a permanent decline until we can see longer-term trends for at least a fiscal quarter, ideally more. Details of Christmas sales will probably be the most revealing statistics in the near future.

she has a good point... and also a lot of the major titles are coming out now... mario galaxy, mario kart, metroid and SSBB... so you may see a rise in sales soon


New Member
kaitora said:
Becky said:
There will always be highs and lows in the sales of any product. Time of year, title or hardware availability/release, promotions etc will have an impact. Attitudes and behaviour of target audience are important too, and we all know that the Wii appeals to a different type of gamer.

It's impossible to tell if this is the start of a permanent decline until we can see longer-term trends for at least a fiscal quarter, ideally more. Details of Christmas sales will probably be the most revealing statistics in the near future.

she has a good point... and also a lot of the major titles are coming out now... mario galaxy, mario kart, metroid and SSBB... so you may see a rise in sales soon

I think it'll especially be Mario Galaxy that'll get the big sales, don't really know why but it seems like the type of game that would appeal to the japanese audience.


I'm ok with that, I already got my Wii :D

I think another reason why the sales have dropped is the fact that Everybody in Japan has the Wii already. It's quite a bit harder to pay for a PS3