What to get with NX


New Member
I am getting 30k NX and I have 18k GP right now!

Should I get

a. M4A1 Desert Warrior (90 days) + Santa Hat (90 days) + Baron (90 days)

[M4A1 for combat, Santa Hat for Protection, Baron for Heavy Vest and 50k that I will spend on a L96A1 (90 days)]

b. M4A1 Desert Warrior (90 days) + L96A1 Arctic Wolf (90 days) + Santa Hat (90 days) + Pistol (90 days)

[M4A1 for combat, Santa Hat for Protection, L96A1 Arctic Wolf because I love sniping and I am pro at it, pistol because I can, save GP for 90 days to but normal GP stuff]

c. Something else; post a comment on something you think I should do!


Should I get the MK SCAR L Trispear (NX for 90 Days) Instead of the M4A1 Desert Warrior (90 days)? Whats better? Scar or M4


New Member
Uhh I would vote C.

-Do you use any type of vests?
-If so I would suggest picking up one of the BM characters.
-If you use a light vest, check to see if they're still selling the gold packages (so you can get the AK47 or the M4 + the light vest character for cheaper NX)
-Santa hat isn't worth it.
-Name colors are sexy.
-L96 would be worth it as well if you snipe a lot.


New Member

I recomend getting one of the characters for 90 days instead of a vest.
You get a new character that comes witha vest and tons of cash really cheap.
Then i would get the artic wolf and the M4A1 with a reflex scope for 90 days.


New Member
I vote C,

get a merc, ethire baron,deckland, or mei (avoid zadan he is not worth it)

then get a G36E for 90 days or a Dragvon for 90 days, or both for 30.