Top 20 Most Skilled Players



New Member

HOLD THE FUCK UP!!!! I read this whole god damn thread and NOT ONCE!!!! did I see medic or eXistence up there aka. me. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK??? Comon bitchs, I may not be your daddy but you're all my bitch, like homie please. Like gahhhh... I'm so pissed and Upset I'm gonna grab a cold shower and eat icecream and cookie then cry cause I'm getting fat.... NOW YA SEE FUCKER!!!! THIS IS A GOD DAMN POST!!! NOT SOME FUCKING TOP 20 WITH DEVIENT ON THE LIST? ... so what this all bottles down to is... I've been at school for 16hours today and... WHY THE HELL IS DEVIENT ON THE GOD DAMN LIST? Like he fucking wussed out on playing cz cause he needed the rest to play UF cause he got his wisdom teeth out, and for you fucking noobs that don't know what UF is its fucking Ulitame frizbee, and I prolly spelt fucking frazbee wrong too cause it's not even a god damn sport, fucking americans.... FUCK!!!..... holy shit I had waaaaaaaaayy! to much fun with this. PROPS ALL!!! :arrow:


New Member
once again i took the list off the fuckin phyco stats i mean shit if u guys wanna bitch about whos better than who write down ur ranks from the server and post it up and i bet u there will be a repeated amount of numbers, i honestly dont care if u wanna be better than every1 else im just sayin on ------->PHycostats<------- thats the list i got, and there is a good reason towards y im on it


New Member
come on why didnt Veritas make it up there??? i mean Veritas can go 5 and 23 on a defuse map but make 5 plants. and then he can come back the next map and run a 33-8. Plus he screams like a girl on the mic when he is scared, which his roomates always love.
i admit i can not compete, but i will give you a /top ist i can compete in

my top 5 african american players on the punx server
1. veritas
2. veritas
3. veritas
4. veritas
5. vetitas

we come in peace, and will now pwn j00


New Member