Tactics. POOG tactics. And tips.


New Member
I've found these to help me not get butchered.

-Slowly creeping out in a snipe-off with another sniper is stupid. The moment you SLOWLY make yourself a target as you come out, they'll rip your head off. Bust out at a random moment and rip theirs off, instead. However, if you're creeping over the top of a rooftop so your head barely starts to rise over the roof and you're at long range, the sniper that is trying to outsnipe you will likely fire early because they're so eager for the kill. If they're at medium range, do the jumpy-outy thing. People aren't as likely to rush their shots at a closer range, where they feel more secure. Fun thing to do with L9 users: jump out, jump back under cover. They'll shoot a bullet and it'll miss. Use the time between shots to murder them.

-Circle your opponents in CQC. After about one round, randomly jump and change directions. If you want to win, get in really, REALLY close, as well. They'll likely freak out and spray in random directions, hoping for... well, I don't really know. Get up where you can see the blurriness in their textures. Then murder them. With a weapon.

-DON'T CAMP IN PUBLIC. People just sit there on a rooftop or behind a sandbag for AGES. If you do this, I will personally track you down and rip your head off with my M24. You're just a sitting duck. Don't stay still. EVER! Get down where you can't see anybody, and -exception to the first rule- poke your head out slowly, but ONLY when nobody's seen you yet. This way, you won't draw attention. (If somebody's not looking, a figure just leaping out of nowhere will cause a rucus. If they are, creeping out is just letting them know that they can shoot you while you can't shoot them.)

-For campers: Your gun can poke out from around corners, giving away the fact that you're camping there. People aren't always chamming when they leap out of nowhere and shoot your face, because sometimes you're carrying a long weapon and trying to hide in a small nook where your torso is almost showing too. Beware that you should also not prop yourself up against thin walls, namely because your body parts stick out of them and ---> (next tip)

-People can shoot you when you stick out from a wall. A good place to camp is behind the doors that open in Snow Valley, because people always run INTO THE DOOR, poke their faces through -boom headshot waiting to happen- and then the doors open. If youre going through a door, stay FAR AWAY from the door. People will know that they are about to kill somebody when a giant G36E pokes its muzzle out, stares them in the face, and then a door opens, revealing the stunned and about-to-die victim of good camping. NEVER MAKE PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH A DOOR YOU'RE ABOUT TO OPEN, because you can get HEADSHOTTED -boom headshot- from BEHIND A WALL. Yeah, they gotta fix that. But you can't do a thing about it, even if your muzzle is haplessly telling a camper that you're about to make your jolly way into their spot.

-When there's a glitcher, TDOG THEM! Yeah, TDOG. I know, awesome acronym. Thank you. TDOG:

Tactical Disposal Of Glitchers.

Smoke grenades are your friend, as are flashbangs. Two towers glitchers can be easily disposed of (unless they're in the middle columns) simply by glitching in as well. They can't see you while in their spot. For middle column glitchers, the LAW is your friend. The LAW is the anti-glitcher machine. It damages through walls. There are almost always two ways into a glitch spot, you just have to use your neurons. Sand hog glitchers: spam grenades like you've never spammed before. Let junk flea flashbacks take control. Use smoke grenades to distract them - maybe they'll even fall through one of the lacking-collision-data walls. Otherwise, use it as your opportunity to glitch in and give them a beating. The church building things in Sand Hog are now auto-kill, so no need to worry about those glitchers being noob and invincible. They die if they go in those. Like those giant cargo crates. :) What's funny about glitchers is that they rarely ever watch the glitch-entrance point from which they entered. Sometimes you can just glitch in and find them totally oblivious to your presence, and you can just stick your knife in the back of their skull. For a complete guide on TDOGGING, I'm posting one soon. Watch for it.

-Don't be predictable (duh)

-When sniping, places that may seem safe (places that were designed by Nexon for snipers) are actually death pits. If you're in a tower, nades and LAW missiles will see to it that you are in pieces. If you're behind a sand bag, make sure you can back away from them fast to avoid getting your head M24'd. Don't just sit there and snipe away, because people can see you.

-If you see something that you're not used to seeing while you're whipping your eyes across the landscape, shoot it. It's probably a person. If it's just a tree, it's only a few bullets. If it's a person, they'll be blown away at how fast you noticed them, and probably be too surprised to snipe you down fast enough to avoid certain peril. Your reaction time is faster than you think - it's just how fast you actually REGISTER the information that will dictate whoever lives (if you're not following these guidelines). If you see a person and you don't immediately see a nametag that's shining blue, shoot them. If you follow these two guidelines, people will probably call you a chammer because you'll be letting your subconscious do the work. Subconsciouses are very fast, once they're trained. (Training is just learning the map you're playing.)

A lot of people make themselves targets and don't realize that a game can be totally turned around if they just think for a second. I hope these few tactics/guidelines/tips have helped you in some way.

By all means...

Remember the Med and the Poog.