SSX Blur


New Member
Well i just looked into this game, i used to love it on PS2 and thought to myself earlier, hmm i want a ps3 so i can play new SSX games (among others, GTA, Metal Gear 4 and Tony Hawk 8)

BUT i found out there was actually a version for wii, which looks awesome, a quick youtube and i found it looked great with some cool controlling ability that makes use of the wiimote.

1080 used to be an awesome snowboarding game for the n64, this looks just as good!

Anyone have this, any thoughts?


New Member
I like this game, really fun and you got alot to unlock and keeps you going for awhile. The controlls takes some time to get used to but they are awsome once you learn them. The only downside of the game is Slalom, for some people it's impossible others find it rather easy (I'm in between :p)


New Member
Zigurat said:
I like this game, really fun and you got alot to unlock and keeps you going for awhile. The controlls takes some time to get used to but they are awsome once you learn them. The only downside of the game is Slalom, for some people it's impossible others find it rather easy (I'm in between :p)

I found it rather easy to be honest.


Active Member
I heard it was pretty easy, but also that it is a great arcade experience. Also uses the remote well.(FYI:haven't played it yet)


New Member
get 1080 on the cube for your wii, thats brilliant imo. I like snowboarding games, might get this if I find it cheap anywhere.


New Member
I Loved SSX Aswell, i remeber it being christmas when I Got a PS2 with the First SSX and boy it was great! havent got Blur yet though, with Super Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy and Metriod Prime 3 Coming out I Have higher priorities