Skin Requests -->HERE<--


New Member
Iv created this thread to stop request bulk spam, if your requests gets ignored then all i can say is bad luck. do not re-request and i hope that those who are lookin for a challenge or want a skin, ask here.


New Member
Hmm, i guess the Ryu could be made out of a vilager, but the second picture has 3 objects in it, 2 Fighters and a cat. The second one needs to be explained more :) .


New Member
hmm archimonde you say? yes that could work just null out the tail and fix the cape. Actually if you would mind not doing the akuma, i think ill do it instead but thanks anyway


New Member
Well, I know this thread is pretty old, but I don't want to create another.
So here's what I need. I need someone to skin the unit Priest into a woman priest. Any help in this regard will be credited in my map, Wheel of Time AoS. Oh, and you'll also be thanked :p