Retractable Travel Wii Sensor Bar



New Member
sharp141 said:
i dont travel with my wii,
nintendo or other companies should make a bag that can fit everything in it,
including a game(s) or just include a cd case

EDIT: actualy, dont they have something like this already.....
yeah they have cases that specifically protect the wii,games and sensor bar so if you have that, this is no longer needed.


New Member
kacper00100 said:
jesta said:
"Most of us have heard of the candle replacement trick for your Wii sensor bar, but for those traveling to places they'd prefer not to set on fire, this retractable travel Wii sensor bar might be a good solution." Link

Can anyone please tell me what the candle trick is im very curious
well, you place two candles at the two ends of where your senser bar would be and take the sensor bar away and the candles act as a sensor bar


New Member
lu1g1 said:
kacper00100 said:
jesta said:
"Most of us have heard of the candle replacement trick for your Wii sensor bar, but for those traveling to places they'd prefer not to set on fire, this retractable travel Wii sensor bar might be a good solution." Link

Can anyone please tell me what the candle trick is im very curious
well, you place two candles at the two ends of where your senser bar would be and take the sensor bar away and the candles act as a sensor bar

i never went for the candle sensor bars.... does it work??

Anyways.... that sensor bar looks pretty ugly....


New Member
hockeyhero said:
lu1g1 said:
kacper00100 said:
jesta said:
"Most of us have heard of the candle replacement trick for your Wii sensor bar, but for those traveling to places they'd prefer not to set on fire, this retractable travel Wii sensor bar might be a good solution." Link

Can anyone please tell me what the candle trick is im very curious
well, you place two candles at the two ends of where your senser bar would be and take the sensor bar away and the candles act as a sensor bar

i never went for the candle sensor bars.... does it work??

Anyways.... that sensor bar looks pretty ugly....

When I get my wii, one of the first things i want to try is to use candles for the sensor bar. I've heard someone on wiipros saying that their sensor bar broke, and they've been using candles since that, so it should work.


New Member
sharp141 said:
i dont understand it
how does the candle thing work?

Basically, just take two candles, and wherever the ends of the sensor bar were positioned, have the flames of the candles there. Somehow, (infrared light i think) the wiimote senses the candles, and they work just like a sensor bar.