New Nintendo Trademarks



(Nintendo Magic)

"Here are some new localized and protected trademarks that Nintendo has made:

- Mii Contest Channel
- Nintendo Magic
- Wii Body Controller
- Mii Audition
- Wii Handle
- Pikmin
- Soma Bringer

Mii Contest Channel? Possibly a name change for Check Mii Out.
Nintendo Magic? A Japanese DS game about magic now coming to the US maybe.
Wii Body Controller? Possibly the new name for the Wii Balance Board.
Mii Audition? Maybe this is a new name for the Check Mii Out channel.
Wii Handle? A replacement for Friend Codes possibly.
Pikmin? Possibly, and hopefully, a new Pikmin game coming.
Soma Bringer? No clue."

Original link


New Member
Mii Contest Channel - japanese check Mii Out Channel Name
Nintendo Magic - Nintendo DS Game :D
Wii body Controller - Japanese Wii Balance Board Name
Mii Auction - A Function in Check Mii Out Channel
Wii Handle - A Wii Home Organizer?
Soma Bringer - A Kind of Japanese food :D
Pikmin - they forgot to trademark it so they retrademarked it.


Active Member
Danny said:
Mii Contest Channel - japanese check Mii Out Channel Name
Nintendo Magic - Nintendo DS Game :D
Wii body Controller - Japanese Wii Balance Board Name
Mii Auction - A Function in Check Mii Out Channel
Wii Handle - A Wii Home Organizer?
Soma Bringer - A Kind of Japanese food :D
Pikmin - they forgot to trademark it so they retrademarked it.

i never liked pikmin......:mega_shok: