New Jersey Parents React Negatively To Wii Zapper

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Earlier this week, New Jersey’s The Star-Ledger polled the readers of its Parental Guidance blog on what they thought of Nintendo’s forthcoming Wii Zapper, a plastic shell that combines the Wiimote and Nunchuk into a rifle-looking device for use in first-person shooter games.

The majority of the responses, the paper reports, were highly negative:

"Great, this is what we need. Children with guns learning how to aim and shoot. Then we can sit back and wonder what is happening to our country with kids killing kids……what’s next? Could we make it squirt blood, too?"

"Nintendo ought to be fined for introducing to 4-9 years old kids a “toy†that promotes guns. The next thing you know they will include an application to the NRA in the game. Who ever thought up this stupid game ought to be fired. I would NEVER purchase a Nintento product for my grandkids from here on…"

"I think it’s irresponsible for Wii to come out with a controller that looks like a gun so kids can play games simulating shooting. What kind of message are we sending as parents when we buy these things for our kids?"

While the published responses were uniformly negative toward the Wii Zapper, that may have something to do with how the original question was presented (emphasis The Star-Ledger’s):

"Wii announced over the summer that it’s coming out the a gun-like remote, so kids can play shooter games, with, well, a shooter."

"What do you think about making a wand in the shape of a weapon so play is more realistic? …Is it harmful? …Will you buy one for your kids?"

Even so, not every reader was ready to brandish the pitchforks and light the torches.

"…I really hope that those people out there who believe that a gun-shaped remote will turn every kid that touches one into a homicidal maniac, don’t ruin the fun for us Wii-playing adults who can handle the reality. I grew up with toy guns and also shot a rifle in the sixth grade and never killed anyone….If you don’t think it’s a good idea, then please, feel free to exercise your right to protest by not purchasing the product….."

"I think this a really dumb thing to do.. however, as a parent.. i make the choice what comes in my home.. This will not…. Just because it is available doesn’t mean we have to buy it."

.....Yeah. I know. This is... truly frightening. And maddening. I mean, the lack of common sense of some people.


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thats just stupid -.- i hate people who think games and things like the wii zapper make kids kill people later... its not the games fault if the persons a psycho ¬_¬


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And yet what some people don't realise is that there is no controller coming out which looks like a gun, its still just a piece of plastic you clip the Wiimote and nunchuck to which forms the shape of a gun, whats the big deal?
These people complaining don't realise their kids can still hold the wiimote and nunchuck in the shape of a gun anyway even without this attachment piece of plastic.


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badboykane said:
And yet what some people don't realise is that there is no controller coming out which looks like a gun, its still just a piece of plastic you clip the Wiimote and nunchuck to which forms the shape of a gun, whats the big deal?
These people complaining don't realise their kids can still hold the wiimote and nunchuck in the shape of a gun anyway even without this attachment piece of plastic.

Thats why I'm saying it is so stupid....some people these days are such idiots.


New Member
No prob Ryano. :)

Here's the direct link to Jesta's post:
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