Medal of Honour : Heroes 2

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At first when this game was announced i werent excited at all, thinking of how the previous ww2 FPS games glichy control schemes.
But after reading this article
i really changed my mind.
One of the best things is the confirmed 32 player online mode! Finally! :D
and not to mention that the control scheme seems to work pretty well ;)
There is a secondary way to complete the game. Then you play through the campain on a on rail track like in Umbrellas Chronicles.
Matt Cassamasina said this about that mode : Believe it or not, the on-rails stuff plays better than Umbrella Chronicles, and this is a secondary mode!

Really looking forward for this FPS :)
The game is set to release this autum.


Hey theres already two threads on this, please search first ;)


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
At first when this game was announced i werent excited at all, thinking of how the previous ww2 FPS games glichy control schemes.
But after reading this article
i really changed my mind.
One of the best things is the confirmed 32 player online mode! Finally! :D
and not to mention that the control scheme seems to work pretty well ;)
There is a secondary way to complete the game. Then you play through the campain on a on rail track like in Umbrellas Chronicles.
Matt Cassamasina said this about that mode : Believe it or not, the on-rails stuff plays better than Umbrella Chronicles, and this is a secondary mode!

Really looking forward for this FPS :)
The game is set to release this autum.

you have just made my day... a 32 player online... i can;t wait... i need more info


New Member
As Jesta says, already a thread here:

Closing this one.
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