Improving with G36E


New Member
I'm wanting to get better with the G36E. Right now I feel like I'm doing pretty good, but my games not at the next level. What should I do to improve? Can anyone recommend any tips or tricks or advice on how to get better?


Active Member
well try a few other guns. its not too much gp for a day and you never know you could find a gun that your better with. when i first started a year ago i loved the g36e but then i unlocked more guns and tried some of them and now i use the ak74u and the aug a1 every now and then. just playing a game if your getting owned or owning is still helping you because with every death is a lesson on what not to do.

Jordan B

Active Member
Tap with the G36E . Most people don't realise that the first shot is always pinpoint accurate. If you can, tap your mouse, and wait for the recoil to settle down between shots. It's great.

In CQC , tap in bursts. 3-4 shots. Works wonders. If you wanna try another gun, try the M4A1, with an S3 if you can, and an Itech , (if you can) .


New Member
Yeah I think I need to practice some and just get how fast to tap down exactly right. I mean I'm by no means getting owned now, have 1.35 kdr and usually near top or top of my team in Echo. Just want to get my game to the next level.


New Member
Uh, don't be a noob and don't use the G36?

It's possibly the easiest gun in the game to use and get kills with. If you have problems with it, you should probably look into Barbie Adventures or Runescape.

I spent the first month I played this game using the K-series weapons. K-2 and K-1 mainly. If you want to become good at a game, use the weapons that no one else uses. When it's important [read: Clan Match], you can switch to a real gun [for me the M416] and you dominate.


New Member
I agree to trikstadude3's post. I do what he pretty much says and it is very effective.

I used to K-2 gun a for a bit and it is a very nice gun too.