Dragunov SVD


New Member
I just recently bought a dragunov, and I just plain old stink with it. I normally you the l9 but i wanted a change. any tips for the use of it?

also would you say it is worth buying?


New Member
I wouldnt say it's worth buying if you can't adapt to the scope.

-please aim, most people just spray their semi auto snipers, DONT, not even in close quarters and not even if your life depended on it

-i know this one's obvious, aim for chest until you're so used to the scope that you've memorized it by heart, then aim for head

-perfect practice makes perfect, not practice, perfect practice. So make sure you hit even if you have to take your time. This way, you'll get better and better at aiming. If you don't try your best to aim, you won't get better as fast or you won't even get better at all at aiming.

-keep a cool head, people will try to make you angery and lose your cool. No matter what, don't lose your cool! If you lose your cool, you lose your aim, I learned that the hard way. When you're really angery, try focusing on something else, like killing another opponent or what gun to use when your present gun expires.

That's all the noob tips I can give for now, hope it helps. Remember, draggy's usually 2 hit KO usually! Have fun!

Jordan B

Active Member
I wouldnt say it's worth buying if you can't adapt to the scope.

-please aim, most people just spray their semi auto snipers, DONT, not even in close quarters and not even if your life depended on it

-i knowthis one's obvious, aim for chest UNTIL you're so used to the scope that you've memorized it by heart, THEN aim for head

-perfect practice makes perfect, not PRACTICE, PERFECT PRACTICE. So make sure you hit even if you have to take your time. This way, you'll get better and better at aiming. If you don't try your best to aim, you won't get better as fast or you won't even get better at all at aiming.

-keep a cool head, people WILL try to make you angery and lose your cool. No matter what, DON'T lose your cool! If you lose your cool, you lose your aim, I learned that the hard way. When you're really angery, try focusing on something else, like killing another opponent or what gun to use when your present gun expires.

That's all the noob tips I can give for now, hope it helps. Remember, draggy's usually 2 hit KO USUALLY! Have fun!

Apart from a few typos, very well said. + rep izzy

I use the Dragunov Black, it's a rather good gun.


New Member
i always try to snipe like i cannot live in the game or get anysortof good amount of kills without a sniper but if im broke and only have sniper ill get anaconda black and K5 or default pistol with a silencer:)

ps. anaconda goes in backpack


New Member
I have L9 arctic wolf and it owns the Dragunov

Yeah, that gun with retarded accuracy that everyone loves... Don't get me wrong, i love it, it's my favorite gun, i just hate it's accuracy.

Stick to draggy, get used to the scope and you'll annihilate everyone and everything that dares go into your sight. Really, it's a great gun with M24-like accuracy.


New Member
M24 or the New PSG MOD have replaced my old Dragunov Black. I used to use it all the time. I LOVE it's scope. The only thing I'd had to comment on it is it's very loud sound. You'll get spotted easily if kill cam is off just from the sound.

All in all though, I still say the M24 is the best sniper in the game.


New Member
Me and rifles

I love to snipe. I've quit for about 1 month- But still have the skills to own.
For me, I prefer the L9- But the SVD is pretty good. With the SVD, You can sort of see where its aiming. With the L9- Its a 1 shot kill, but if your in a CQC match and u have the L9, u should be really good at no-scoping because of the reaload. With the SVD- You won't reaload since Its a semi and u can have a better way to win that fight.