I just ordered my upgrades today. Look out bitches here I come! As you can see, I skimped on motherboard features and cpu in order to spend a little more on a vid card. Once I get it up and burned in, I will get a bigger heatsink and see what it will clock to. Also, you can see that I am not allowing for SLI right now in my upgrade path. If I decide to go SLI, I will get a different mb and psu.
XFX PV-T71G-UDP7 GeForce 7900 GT EXTREME (550MHz) 256MB GDDR3 PCI Express x16 Video Card - Retail Item #: N82E16814150138 $349.00
COOLER MASTER Real Power RS-450-ACLY ATX12V 450W Power Supply - Retail Item #: N82E16817171001 $78.00
DFI nF4 Ultra-Infinity Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail Item #: N82E16813136163 $88.00
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Venice 1GHz HT Socket 939 Processor Model ADA3200BWBOX - Retail Item #: N82E16819103572 $168.00