www.wi-modchips.com - a good link



New Member
Modding isn't illegal, playing copied games is.

Install a mod after the 12 month warranty runs out then it don't matter about the warranty then eh?


New Member
You can always let a pro do the job for you. Many of them also leeves warranty. That menas, if they dammage your hardware, they'll stand for the cost to get a new one.


New Member
No it doesn't, mine works fine with the 3.0 firmware.
Its just a Nintendo warning to put people off modding, if it were to lock up from a firmware update it will be from ones after 3.0.
All the forums I am joined to concerning the Wii have talked about the 3.0 update with chips and hundreds of people have updated sucessfully including myself with no problems.

The only chip the update is known not to work with so far is Wiip


New Member
link121 said:
trust me dont mod ur wii it will lock your wii up if u have update 3.0

Post facts not some thing you think!! Please and if you want to mod you're wii then do it i will do it when i have seen how they work with Nintendo's next update. And when they give possibility's to wii hombrew^^