Wii Keyboard?



New Member
i don't think the keyboard went too well with the cube. do you remember the powerboard for the gamecube? released by the the makers of action replay cheat device


New Member
i thought that the 'cube heyboard was made by nintendo, there might have been more than 1, but I remember it cause it was released for phantasy start online and was basicaly a normal cube controler cut in half with a keyboard wacked in the middle so that you could talk 2 people when you were online, i never got it though.


New Member
im not sure but i hope they do cuz on the internet and typing messages just takes too long. or u cud try this out (it probably wont work but u cud give it a try) for people with usb keyboards try pluggin that in the back of the wii?[/align]


New Member
I don't see the point of it personally, if it is just for browsing the net then hardly anyone will pay for it as most people have a perfectly good pc for going on the net.


New Member
I would love one for the online stuff and maybe for chatting with people while playing could be a good idea. but what are you supposed to do with it in-game? don't think it would sell