Wii freeloader


New Member
Oh well.. If you don't mod your Wii or do anything that you're not supposed to to it, if they send out a faulty update they've pretty much dug themselves into a hole, and required to fix all the Wiis that they died :p


New Member
Alright It's more a haxor tool but it maybe could take away the regionlock If I did get it right...


New Member
darklink501 said:
this accessory does not convince much to me, since I think that it can damage the reader of wii

Yeah and that its need to be soldered inside the wii like a chip. But it could work as a wii development kit.


New Member
now i don't think there will be a freeloader for wii because if they bring ne out without the official nintendo seal then that means nintendo didn't aprove it and that means they can block it on a online update and if you have the internet and want to update your wii.


New Member
dont mod your wii if you do you cant update ur wii past software update 3.0E and the you wont be able to do stuff that require a specific higher update


New Member
chickenhea said:
dont mod your wii if you do you cant update ur wii past software update 3.0E and the you wont be able to do stuff that require a specific higher update

Not proved so mod you're Wii if you want but in the end you can get problem or just w8 until there will be a real stealth mod for the chip.


New Member
i'd just disc swap... read my post here


you can play NTSC games on a pal wii... and it even reads action replay


New Member
kaitora said:
i'd just disc swap... read my post here


you can play NTSC games on a pal wii... and it even reads action replay

ya this disc swapping technique is pretty cool. i think will try it myself. i wonder does it work the other way around (playing PAL games on NTSC wii)?