The Wii crane game



New Member
Jailbreak said:
hahahahaha yer on the front of the machiene it says "win a wii!" then in very tiny letters, "box"

I still have my wii's box actualy

same here, maybe they use an asterisk and in tiny writing (only the box is included)


New Member
gunners-4-life said:
Jailbreak said:
hahahahaha yer on the front of the machiene it says "win a wii!" then in very tiny letters, "box"

I still have my wii's box actualy

same here, maybe they use an asterisk and in tiny writing (only the box is included)

same, i just keep some of the accesories in mine like the golf and baseball bat and all that crap that came with the bundle


New Member
sharp141 said:
gunners-4-life said:
Jailbreak said:
hahahahaha yer on the front of the machiene it says "win a wii!" then in very tiny letters, "box"

I still have my wii's box actualy

same here, maybe they use an asterisk and in tiny writing (only the box is included)

same, i just keep some of the accesories in mine like the golf and baseball bat and all that crap that came with the bundle

sharp141, what are you talking about? im talking about the wii's inside the crane game


New Member
gunners-4-life said:
sharp141 said:
gunners-4-life said:
Jailbreak said:
hahahahaha yer on the front of the machiene it says "win a wii!" then in very tiny letters, "box"

I still have my wii's box actualy

same here, maybe they use an asterisk and in tiny writing (only the box is included)

same, i just keep some of the accesories in mine like the golf and baseball bat and all that crap that came with the bundle

sharp141, what are you talking about? im talking about the wii's inside the crane game

sorry i didnt mean to include your post to my reply


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
I know the way these things work, and if I really wanted to get a wii from that, I could. Just watch everyone else try to beat it. There's a little yellow box inside the machine, and after a certain amount of tries, the machine will pick up whatever it is you're going for. Like, it may only pick up something every 30 or 50 tries or something. So you just have to watch to see who wins and how many tries it took them to win, then just after a certain amount of tries, jump in and play one try, and you got it!

haha u got that off of braniac science abuse i love that program funny as hell but its true