Skin Notes


New Member
For those those find that their skins cant be converted or when they do they are corrupt, this may be your reason.
1.They arnt not of the right size.

Sizes should be.
The avergae size and most suitable would be 256-512
any higher and the skin would be of massive size.
the dimension can also be for example.
if you dont follow the table, the skins wont work.

2.Eyour program is corrupt or faulted. like wc3viewer converting them upside down, patches of blue or missing parts.

Edit in the prog you where making, then edit the skin in another prog, like gimp to do the alpha.
eg. psp for the drawing, then gimp for alpha..
then once you have done that, use another tga>blp converting program such as blp converter which can be found in the wc3viewer files.

3.When the skin is previewed on a model the UV is everywhere but when i make the models skin defualt its UV is normal.

I suggest using a different drawing program, the file may either be corrupt or either is problem "2".

4.Skin has white patches where the alpha should be.

Either you did not save the alpha properly (most likly in psp) or you didnt save as tga first or at all, or either the model isnt configured to TC or Trans.


New Member
3.When the skin is previewed on a model the UV is everywhere but when i make the models skin defualt its UV is normal.

I suggest using a different drawing program, the file may either be corrupt or either is problem "3".

You say that it is problem 3, when the question is 3...
Anyways, good stuff, should probly add on to it tho..