Seargent K/D: 1.22 atm


New Member
Seargent K/D: 1.32 atm

I'm pretty active, and I didn't start off well because I kept using m14 and no snipers, so I got killed just as much as i killed the snipers. But now I usually get 2x kills than my deaths in games since I finally get to use that sergeant rank sniper.

IGN: AgentTicTac

K/D: 1.32

My best map is: Snow Valley

Best mode: Elimination & Capture the flag (defender)

Fireteam experience: Finished it once on hard, but the prize in the end pissed me off, fricken turban =.="

Specialty: A sharp eye, quick reactions and RUSHING. Camping is what I love best in Snow valley but I rush as well so no cunt can take me from behind.

And I talk alot :p